Masen Marine Research Information

Our critics like to say we at MMR have no fear.  That's not true. We are all born with an innate sense of fear for the predators of our ecosystem. It's not a lack of fear that we possess but a great degree of understanding and respect that gives us the confidence to get in the water everyday.

Founded in 2004, Masen Marine Research is a family owned and operated company dedicated to understanding and preserving sharks, especially the Great White.  In the past five years, MMR has studied a variety of shark species off the coasts of Hawaii, Africa, Australia, and California.  Through still photos and underwater video, MMR documents the daily routines of the sharks as they swim, hunt, and eventually feed.  This is all done with as little disruption to the sharks natural habits as possible; MMR never chums the water.

MMR hopes to provide the world with a true understanding of the life cycles of these amazing creatures and the contributions they make to our ecosystem. Through that understanding, it is MMR’s belief that people who once feared these creatures will be able to respect them and see that they are in fact valuable to our society.  Along with that understanding, MMR hopes to get their findings into the right hands to pass worldwide conservation protection laws for sharks.

Masen Marine Research has a home base in Hawaii, but mainly functions at sea aboard the vessel Galeos.  Since the MMR team is not easily accessible by foot, phone, or traditional mail, we invite you to find out how you can help with MMR’s research and conservation goals by sending an email to